Author Archives: csmith2
my voki
Roller coasteres
roller coasters are fun I love roller coasters you may think they arnt fun but the steepst drop in the world is the titan it is a roller coaster thet was introduced in 2001 thats almost over 10 years.its top speed is 85 miles in hour and thats really fast its durataion is 3.5 minutes Ihave rode this been on it befor it goes under the ground. its evolation is 25in a half .thank you for reading this post.wath the video it will make since
thanksgiving disaster
Oh no it’s thanksgiving mornining and the turkey still frozen what am I going to to do my family is going to be here in 1 hour .Still what am I going to do maybe I can put it in the microwave beep beep beep beep.ok it’s in the microwave boom! what was that oh no the turkey I ran to check it it was gone I had left the tenfoil on the turkey how many minutes do I have till the family gets here 30 minutes let me go buy one I have enough time to go buy one. Vroom vroom vroom where are the turkeys at let me ask the cashier.All the way to the back and to the left. Thank you. ring ring ring ring.Hay where are you. Oh no no this is a thanksgiving disaster.