cantrelle smith My Hero
A hero is someone who helps people. He or she could help you through hard times. A
hero could be someone you want to grow up to be.
My hero is Tristen Mowgowan because he saved me from a four wheeler wreck. We
were in west texas, and we were riding four wheelers he was behind me I was in front.
We were really close to this abandoned cabin called brewster’s cabin. There was this
rock in the front of the cabin that my tire hit what made me barrel roll when it happened
my cousin jumped off of his four wheeler and scraped his leg to save me. He flipped
the four wheeler back over and pick me up and said you’re ok. I was trying to hold back
the tears then he said to load up in the t- rex so I did when we got to the cabin I said I
am not riding any more till next trip.
So thats who my hero is.